Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Girl Talk... and PMS,, I have a secret!

I know that I am blogging and promoting fashion, but every now and then a girl has to share a secret~  PMS RELIEF! When those pants don't fit you because of bloat and you just feel down right awful, we need HELP! 

So, I am bringing you one of my "magical PMS" remedies.  Who would have ever thought that a beautiful plant like the one shown below could bring a girl such happiness!

This is a Vitex Plant (angus castus - aka fruit) and it will bring you wonders!
Beautiful, I know! But if you are like me, the older I get, the worse my "PMS" symptoms are. How about you?? When I read about this, I thought, okay, what the heck? Worth a try!! I AM DESPERATE!  lol .

It took about a good month of consistent use of the "supplement" to see a difference.  I still have my "days" during my visit from "Dot", but I used to suffer for sometimes 2 whole weeks before she came!

I noticed a difference and when I get out of my "habit"and do not take Vitex daily, I can definitely tell!  Like I say, it will not "cure" you or prevent Dot from coming, but I am having HUGE relief before my week from the ...... visit..

Where to buy Vitex and How Much 

 I first ordered VItex on line and spent $10.00 plus shipping and thought that was a good deal for my pain and agony! lol. Then I found it at Henry's (Whole Food), but guess what? I found it on Amazon, the same brand that I use for only $4.00! That is a STEAL! 

So girls, for your convenience, I have posted a link on this blog that will enable you to go right to Amazon and stock up!  It is so worth it!  You have to wait about 30 days to see a difference.  

You are probably wondering, how does this work and is it safe? Yes it is safe, it is all natural ingredients and is all herbal.  Just google "vitex" and you will get the skinny. 

If you are like me, you love fashion, but when you feel like $*$(*@, who wants to try clothes on or for that matter, wear anything but comfy pj;s! lol. 

Are you with me? lol.....  

Let me know if you ordered any, and how it works for yah!  Being a girl can sometimes be hard work, but if we can help each other feel and look the best that we can, yahoo!!!

Merci Madmoiselles! Pass this blog onto your girls!! We need to STOP THE PAIN AND SUFFERING! xoooxoxox



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