Friday, June 4, 2010

Cali by Cal... Finally, clothing with built in bras!

Bon Jour ! Gosh it has been soo long since I have talked to my girls! Lot's going on at the house, actually a new makeover! Yeah!  But, I am back and I must say that I missed you :)

I have to admit, besides my shoe obsession, I am addicted to signing up for fashion blogs,  sample sales, fashion events, new boutiques, cool on line stores. You name it, I get it! But I came across this and thought that because it is summer, you all may really appreciate this!  Have you ever wanted to wear a really nice tank, v neck, or even better, an off the shoulder shirt (which by the way is veryy sexy!), but do not want to deal with the bra strap deal?
 Well, divas, the Fashion Gods have been listening to us! 

What do you think??  I LOVE IT! This is only one picture of many of the pieces that this unique company designs.  The best part, you don't have to be a Cali girl to wear these fashionable pieces!  Check out the link below to see more of the collection where to find a store near you :)

Until next time, Merci xoxo

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